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Welcome to

This site is intended to be a helpful resource for anyone who is undergoing the unfortunate aftermath that follows when a family member or loved one is murdered. The next steps can be difficult and frustrating, but we hope to help you find your way through the legal system and provide support as you face the upcoming challenges in bringing about justice.

Make no mistake, this will be the most challenging, yet rewarding and inspirational thing you will probably ever do. Notice we did not say impossible. That is because we have been there and gone through, over, and around unexpected obstacles to get to where we are at today. It is our hope, by sharing the resources we picked up along our way, with you, that your Journey to Justice will be a lot easier than ours. We will continue to add to our "where we are at today" page and any helpful information we pick up the along the rest of our way. Please feel free to comment or send us information you would like us to add to this site.

Please allow us to extend our sincerest and deepest sympathy to you, your family and friends, if you are visiting our site due to the unexpected loss of a loved one.

First and foremost, Know Your Rights.

Secondly, save everything. If you or the deceased have documented incidents with your loved one and the accused, make copies and share those with the proper authorities. Never assume old information is not valuable. If this information is on a computer, back it up on a portable device. If you know your loved one sought safety at a local Shelter for any reason, try to get all the information you can get about them. The police will need this information to retrieve all documentation the Shelter has of the stay. If you have phone records of calls he or she made from your residence, copies of medical bills from doctor or hospital visits, names and addresses of prior friends and neighbors or local hangouts, be sure to give this information to the authorities. Do not let them tell you this is not needed, send it anyway. Make sure they get a copy and you keep a record of proof of their receipt.

The Judicial Process


Other Resources

This web site would not be possible if it were not for the dedicated, incredibly talented, smart and loving brother that she was blessed to have! We dedicate it to the loving memory of our sister, Theresa Montie.

Topic revision: r41 - 2010-06-26 - 17:59:19 - Main.kathy
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